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Remote maintenance

With the conclusion of our proven PC remote maintenance contract, you receive a variety of benefits that are worthwhile and worth seeing.
We set up remote access on your premises in accordance with current security regulations. Maintenance software is installed on the workstations that are to be serviced remotely. If problems occur on the computer, the user has a question about a message or a program, we connect to the respective computer and the user can follow what is happening live. In this way, you can have us solve minor problems or answer questions about applications quickly and easily.
Remote maintenance is also suitable for servers and computers that cannot be maintained during working hours and where downtime must be kept to a minimum. After arrangement we accomplish these maintenance also outside of your business hours, without which a technician is locally, and thus your company must be also occupied. Talk to us about these and other advantages as well as the additional services and securities of the remote maintenance contract!

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Maintenance contract

By concluding our tried-and-tested PC maintenance contract, you receive a wide range of benefits that are worthwhile and worth seeing.

For example, the operational reliability and availability of your IT system is increased because we maintain and thus check it at regular intervals. At the same time, your operational risk costs are reduced due to the increased avoidance of downtime and the long-term preservation of the value of your system. The flat rate of the maintenance contract makes the running costs predictable for you, so that you can invest your funds elsewhere. And your individual time account gives you additional financial leeway.

Just like you, we appreciate fixed contact persons and short distances. That’s why maintenance is usually always carried out by the same technician, who therefore knows your system inside out – and knows what’s involved and what needs to be done! So that you can always reach your fixed technician, you will receive the important telephone numbers. And if something should go wrong with your system outside the maintenance intervals: As our maintenance contract customers, we guarantee you primary treatment to reduce response times to a minimum.
You and your concerns always have priority!

Talk to us about these and other advantages as well as the additional services and securities of the maintenance contract!

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If your EDP system should not function once, then we are to you with our emergency service at the disposal. And this for every manufacturer and also for hardware not purchased from us.
Standard hardware we repair immediately at your company and software problems we solve as quickly as possible – so you lose little working time and continue working as quickly as possible.
Service and support are very important to us.

We fulfill your ideas and wishes as quickly as possible and find solutions that more than meet your requirements. 
We take over all tasks around your EDP, start where the task begins and end as soon as no question is left unanswered and no wish is left unfulfilled.

You too can rely on our all-round carefree package. Many satisfied customers already do.